28 March, 2020
Housewives Guide To Economy And Health

Did you know that women are responsible for 80 percent of the buying power of any household? So here is a guide especially for women and housewives to guide them in economy and health.
In general, women are the people who shop for groceries and they make the ultimate choices of what and where to buy.
Inflation is causing increasing pressure on people in all walks of life, and what do you do when every shopping session leaves you reeling from a new series of price hikes.
Economy And Health When Buying For Your Family
Let’s try to stay positive here and ensure that you spend wisely, buying only what you need and making sure that you get good value for your money.
The urge to buy impulsively, and therefore spending money unnecessarily is to some extent, inherent in every consumer.
Unfortunately, commerce has mad a highly scientific study of this human weakness.
Supermarkets, in particular, exploit this characteristic and the good housewife should learn to recognize such techniques and to build up resistance against them.
If she does not do so, she will stagger out of the shops laden with packets and tins of food and articles that she does not need, while wondering where her money went to and why living has become so expensive.
Tips To Stop Buying Impulsively
For the sake of both the economy and health, cultivate the good habit of buying judiciously. Because food is a daily necessity, people are apt to regard only articles which are bought occasionally (like clothing) as important and only then carefully note the price.
The kind of food, the quantity bought and the way it is used can make a meal cheap, reasonably expensive or very expensive. Many women feel that in trying to save on food, they may be doing their families in.
On the contrary, you can keep yourself, your husband and your children healthy, as well as keep expenses down by buying economical but nourishing food in the correct quantities and using it in the best possible way.
In this way, you can ensure that every member of your family gets a proper share of a wholesome and balanced diet.
Plan Ahead
Plan your meals in advance and make a note of the items you need as well as things you run out of like tea, coffee, and flour.
Draw up a monthly or weekly shopping list. Going shopping without a shopping list lead to buying haphazardly and will surely lead to important items being forgotten and unnecessary items being bought.
Because petrol has become so expensive it is not practical to drive from one shop to another to compare prices, so buy somewhere that is convenient, the selection of brands is wide and the prices generally reasonable.
Cash and carry shops are usually cheaper than those which offer credit or make so-called free deliveries. These services need to be paid for so these shops will generally be a little more expensive. Whether or not your goods are delivered, you will still be paying for the service.
Did you know that even the day on which you do your shopping can influence the price of your groceries?
Researchers have found that 80 percent of all household shopping is done on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
If at all possible forget about shopping on these days particularly at the end of the month. You will be surprised how grocery prices differ from the middle of the month to the end.
On busy days you will also move more slowly through the shop with many unplanned stops. This is also the time when you notice all the interesting though unnecessary items at close range so that some of these articles land up in the trolley.
How To Plan Ahead:
- Never leave home without a shopping list.
- Compile a proper list, with the expected prices next to the items.
- Before going shopping inspect the grocery cupboard and take extra note of those bargains from the last shopping expedition.
- Cut out daily purchases as they waste both time and petrol and cause you to buy additional unnecessary items.
- At the shops be wary of mass displays, as these encourage impulsive buying.
- Be willing to stretch and bend as the most expensive brands are often displayed at eye-level.
- Look for the supermarket’s own brand name products, as they are often cheaper.
- Although instant foods save time, they often cost more.
- Compare your prices.
- Keep a running total to ensure that you stay within your budget. You can also check whether your total tallies with that of the cashier.
- When buying meat, remember that the tougher cuts are cheaper, yet tasty if cooked properly.
- Eat less meat, and it is not necessary to serve it every day as there are many other alternatives, including fish, chicken, egg dishes or even cheese.
So planning your shopping trips in advance will go a long way to helping the economy and health of your pocket and your family.
Please feel free to add any comments and/or questions you may have.